BB-8 Packaging Art

Among my first big projects at Sphero, and one that to this day I am still very grateful to have contributed to, was the BB-8 hero art featured on the outer box of Sphero's original BB-8 App-Enabled Droid released in 2015, leading up to the release of The Force Awakens. This was Sphero's first foray into licensed products, and with the first Star Wars movie in years on the horizon for release in December 2015, this was a major milestone product for the company.

Although I had only been with the company for 6 months when work on the package began, my thirst and commitment to learning 3D modeling/rendering allowed me to contribute in a big way. I was able to provide renders of the product in various poses, ultimately creating the hero render that is featured on the front of the package. In addition to the front-of-box asset, my growing skill at modeling, compositing images and using a wacom cintiq in photoshop allowed me to create the hero image on the back-of-box featuring BB-8 aboard a ship with atmospherically lit floors.

I corresponded with creatives at Lucasfilm to develop a look and atmosphere that would suit the identity of the character, about whom we were given little information given that the movie was not yet released. This product was launched to an eager market of enthusiasts worldwide, producing millions of dollars of revenue for the company and establishing name recognition for the Sphero brand.