Star Wars App-Enabled Droids Launch Campaign

Having the opportunity to lead the creative direction for the digital marketing campaign of Sphero's Star Wars Droids, launched under licensing from Disney/Lucasfilm, was among the projects I was the most passionate about and most fulfilled by during my time working for Sphero. As a life-long Star Wars fan, working to produce and support a line of Star Wars toys was truly a dream come true. It was the perfect marriage of tech offered by Sphero and the seemingly irresistible allure of characters and stories generated by the Star Wars universe.

This 2017 campaign built further on Sphero's original 2015 release of BB-8 by adding two more droids, the beloved R2-D2, and BB-9E, the dark side's version of the BB series of droid. With three products being supported under this campaign, there were many assets to prepare across all digital platforms including emails, banners, social posts, homepage features and paid advertising including webpage takeovers. The droid campaign included advertising with all three droids as well as assets featuring the droids individually which were triggered by customers buying any particular one of them.



Alternative Exploration